zaterdag 15 september 2007

Post from Aussieland!

Ik opende mijn email en zag ineens dat ik post had van Tina. Mijn dag was weer gemaakt!!!
Tina is een meisje dat ik heb ontmoet tijdens een van mij tours door Australie, zij woont zelf in Melbourne. Tina heeft mij toen uitgenodigd om langs te komen in Melbourne en wij hebben daar toen een paar leuke avonden beleefd.
Helaas heb ik geen foto's van haar, omdat die stonden op de niet-meer-te-repareren geheugenkaart.

Het mailtje van Tina. (vergeet het einde niet te lezen over dat van de zomer van 2008 !!! )

Ok, so i know that i really should have replied to your email ages and ages ago but i'm notoriously slack at keeping in contact with people. or at least keeping in regular contact with people!

just read that you were saying that you were feeling old having turned 20 - i turned 24 a couple of weeks ago and that made me feel old. i had this funny feeling that i couldn't really remember what i'd been doing for the last 3 years...but i think that could be because i spent a large amount of that time in bars and pubs.

how's the job going and how did you go on your journalism test? hope that it went ok - would have been good if they tested you on aussie news instead!!

caught up with stefan since you've been back? he never did turn up in melbourne - strange after he was so convinced that he could just come and stay at my house for as long as he wanted...(still don't know where he got that idea)

anyways, i'm back at uni this semester doing honours (like masters) so it's pretty busy right now. its just starting to get warm and the sun is finally coming out in melbourne so it's not exactly the time that i want to be inside studying but i do enjoy it.

i've got a new boyfriend (well we've been together for about 4 months now) he's my hockey coach - which is good and bad. good because i see him more (we're just about to start finals for hockey and it takes up way too much of my time) and i guess bad because sometimes it'd be nice to not feel like i always have to play really well!

how's your love life going? is that guy still with the new girl (i know that it's kind of old news and so much has probably changed since our last email - but you can fill me in on the details)

and can you give me your address - i'll try to find some aussie stuff to send you. I have a new address (well i moved about 5 months ago).

hope all's well with you over there, and again sorry for being so slack!!! (i think that i might be over in europe in about august next year so we'll have to catch up if i make it over)

xoxo tina

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